Blog - Through the eyes of the investor’s supervisor

EMKA Budownictwo i ochrona środowiska

A warm welcome to all visitors to my blog. I am going to present construction issues through the eyes of a person who performs investor’s construction supervision functions of the general construction speciality. You may ask: for what reason?

Being a civil engineer since 2006 on various types of investments at home and abroad, I have observed that it is easier to implement investments when the Investor is aware of specific issues related to the construction implementation process. If you are an Investor who is planning to invest, then perhaps the insights described here will interest you, and you will find them worth thinking about and incorporating into the planning process for your investment.  

The topics discussed on my site are an exemplary set of recommendations resulting from my experience and not "the only revealed truth" or applicable law. Therefore, Dear Reader, you have the right to have your own opinion on the topics covered in the entries.

For my part, I wish current and future investors good luck in the realisation of their dream investments and as few problems as possible, both administrative and those occurring directly on the construction site. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me..

Przegląd techniczny domu

Przegląd techniczny domu jednorodzinnego Przegląd techniczny domu jednorodzinnego (niestety już po zakupie nieruchomości). W dzisiejszym wpisie zamierzam zainteresować czytelnika pewną historią (oczywiście budowalną) młodego małżeństwa. Inwestorzy zwrócili się do mnie z prośbą o konsultacje techniczne budynku jednorodzinnego, który został zakupiony przez nich kilka miesięcy wcześniej. Ich niepokój wzbudziły spękania betonu...

Concrete fencing

Concrete fencing Concrete fencing. Concrete fencing Concrete fences are another group of commonly used land fences. In this group, we can distinguish the following fences: - Made in formwork directly on the plot using a mix of concrete. - Made of prefabricated concrete elements.Concrete fences are characterised by being primarily

Steel fencing

Steel fencing. Basic information about typical fences i presented in entry "Fencing - general information" . This time, I will write a few words about one of the most common types of fencing, steel fencing. Steel fences are used in individual and industrial construction. They may differ in design, aesthetics, transparency, resistance to mechanical damage, and weather resistance...

Fencing - general information

Fencing - general information.Most of the implemented investments of a cubic character include within their scope the need for fencing of the area, and this applies both to individual and industrial investments. In my experience, the conclusion is that technical aspects are not always taken into account when choosing a fence for a given investment. Accordingly, I will...

As-built documentation

Dokumentacja powykonawcza Dokumentacja powykonawcza. Tym razem mam zamiar napisać kilka słów odnośnie dokumentacji powykonawczej [DP] z przeprowadzonych prac budowlanych. Zaznaczam, że są to moje własne analizy i rekomendacje oparte na zgromadzonym doświadczeniu. Nie odnoszę się w tym wpisie tylko i wyłącznie do definicji [DP] z Ustawy [PB] ale do całości...